Everything Tree with Thijmen Apswoude
When: 28–30 March 2025 (starts Friday at 10 am, ends Sunday afternoon)
Where: https://mapy.cz/s/mavadokota (parking is available on the path on the opposite river bank;
we can also arrange transportation to/from any of the surrounding villages for participants who
would like to come by public transportation)
What: processing and using everything that can be obtained from trees, with an emphasis on unusual
uses and crafts
Thijmen Apswoude (https://livingbynature.nl/) is an internationally recognized expert in ancestral skills – old natural crafts. In the Netherlands he offers, among other things, a renowned year-long course
where each month participants learn a new category of skills (flint knapping, processing natural fibres
into rope, tanning leather and sewing clothes, making glue, basket weaving, wild pottery, wooden and
bone tools, bow and arrow making, tracking, primitive hunting and fishing methods, collecting edible
and medicinal plants, etc.) until they gradually make a complete set of equipment and clothing from
natural materials. Equipped in this way, they will then travel together to Sweden, where they will try
everything out in practice while living in the wilderness.
Last year we managed to arrange for Thijmen to come to the Czech Republic for the first time for three
days to share some of his knowledge with us. Our group, covering the whole spectrum of experience
from beginners to advanced practitioners, learned from him how to process a freshly killed deer from
A to Z and we were all absolutely delighted. Thijmen also enjoyed his time with us, and so is happy to
come again this year. We decided to build on the proven concept from last year and offer “Everything
Tree” as the theme for this year‘s course. We will have one freshly felled tree to process, other materials
we can find in the area and Thijmen will bring something from his own stash. As last time, we will work
individually and together, watch and discuss, learn and be inspired by Thijmen and each other, and
return home with all kinds of materials and finished projects!
We will learn how to make fire with a bow drill, ideally using materials collected on site so that everyone
can leave with their own kit. We will be introduced to a variety of useful polypores that can be used in
the preparation of medicinal teas and tinctures. We will learn how to use them to treat wounds, start
ires and make leather for hats or bags. We will discuss the sources of natural tree dyes, from lichens
to oak galls, and learn how to obtain bold colours such as pink or blue. We will explore the uses of
different types of bark, bast and roots from tanning to basketry and rope making. We will learn what
to look out for when collecting and processing, how exactly to proceed – and why. We will also look at
special woodworking techniques such as hollowing by burning (e.g. for making kuksas) and steam
bending (for making backpacks or snowshoes), as well as the making and use of glue and tar. An integral
part of the course will be the opportunity to view all sorts of things Thijmen has made from trees and
to discuss any related topics of interest.
If you do anything tree-related yourselves, don’t hesitate to bring your projects along, to solve any
problems you might have or to inspire others! The same goes for books on the subject. This year we
are also proposing a barter activity as a new addition to the programme. If you have any surplus of
anything related to natural crafts and if possible you have collected or made it yourself (raw materials,
semi-finished products, finished products — e.g. herbs, salves, bones, leather, wool, flint, mugs, baskets,
etc.), you can bring them and try to exchange them with others. Ideally, we would try to do without
money in doing this, so it may be useful to bring different categories of items, from small simple things
to more complex products.
The location is a meadow by the river, accommodation will be in a large cabin with a stove, mattresses
and an outhouse toilet, with no electricity. The water in the river is quite clean and we will bring
drinking water. Lunch and dinner will be cooked on site for everyone (please report allergies etc. in
advance), using as many tree-related foods as possible, both traditional and non-traditional. The
participants are asked to bring their own breakfasts and snacks. Necessary equipment: sleeping bag,
mess tin, cutlery, torch (if you have a larger torch or candle for evening lighting, it will definitely be
useful), knife. Slippers, notebook + pen, work gloves and musical instruments may also be useful.
The cost will depend on the number of participants (we are expecting 8–15 people) – the more people,
the cheaper. We need to pay Thijmen for the tuition and his travel costs, and deal with the cost of the
site use and general logistics including meals. We don‘t plan to make a profit on the course, the goal is
to get Thijmen to be with us, learn as much as possible from him, and enjoy our time together among
like-minded people. Thijmen asks for 300–350 EUR per person (to be paid in advance), the cost on the
Czech side will be about 500–1000 CZK per person (to be paid on the spot). To get to the cheaper
option, we will need to find some more interested people. We would make a final calculation of people
and costs at the end of February, when we will also send you the payment details. By then we would
like to know your final word – whether you are going or not.
If you are unsure or have any questions, don’t hesitate to contact us. We welcome beginners and
experienced crafters alike, everyone will benefit from the course! Thijmen is a really nice person and
an excellent teacher, he knows how to structure the class so that everyone enjoys it as much as
possible, learns everything they are interested in and gets tired just right. He speaks very
understandable English, if necessary we can translate everything like last time. We do the course for
ourselves and for you: if anyone has a special interest or wish within the topic, we can certainly arrange
with Thijmen to include it in the programme.
We look forward to seeing you!
Thijmen, Tonda and Tereza
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